Welcome to Cease and Desist Comics!

Disclaimer: The statements, expressed opinions and links displayed on Cease and Desist Comics Web pages are generated and posted by the student members of Cease and Desist Comics. No official endorsement or approval by the University of Iowa of the viewpoints expressed on this web page or any of the student organization activities described on this web page should be inferred. The activities and events of this student organization are not necessarily sponsored or approved by the University of Iowa.

We are the official student organization of the same name at the University of Iowa. We are a student-led comic book publisher at the University of Iowa.  We accept submissions of art and stories you wish to be published by us in Iowa City. We are currently in the process of getting our student-led publisher off the ground. We accept art and stories together or we can match individual artists with writers who we receive submissions from. Any story or art submissions should be sent to ceaseanddesistcomics@gmail.com
